Rasmus Østerberg's profile

Application & Resumé design

Something I have enjoyed for a long time, is designing layout for applications and resumés. There are so many reasons to visually enhance your bid for a job and it is fairly simple to stand out amids the regular old black on white, 12pt walls of text, that I imagine many recruiters are familiar with. In this folder You'll find some of my favourites, and feel free to give me Your input. It will be greatly appreciated. 

Something that I'm very fond of is the timeline, on the resumés. Having your education and professional experience listed right next to each other, helps give the reader a quick overview of your career.

We'll start of with my own application & resumé...
This one was for a friend of mine (picture has been changed), she was keen on being an intern at a travelling agency...
This one I made for another friend of mine, she wanted to be an intern at a local kindergarten. That's why we decided on the colorfull and playful theme, using the house from the animated movie "Up" and the bubble-chart, with words that best describe her personality, both privately and professionally. 
This one is for my sister in law, she wanted to became a veterinarian. 
This one is for my best friends girlfriend. It was one of the first bubble-designs I made, and she was sooo pleased with the result. 
Application & Resumé design

Application & Resumé design

Layouts and designs for job-applications and resumés, is some of my best work, I think. I have a very high succesrate, when it comes to helping f Read More
