Sleeping I

Some of us prefer to have a light on while sleeping while others prefer complete darkness. Especially, many Children have trouble sleeping alone in a dark room. So they often want to keep the light on or open the door. But these can disturb children their deep sleep and also have a not positive effect on children’s growth. Now with 'Sleeping I' we can expect some positive effects.  Parents turn the timer to set the length of the nightlight, according as how long the timer is set, the two eyes of 'Sleeping I‘ stay eliminating. As time goes by, the lighting gradually dims as you doze off, making it look as though the 'Sleeping I' is falling asleep. 'Sleeping I' is also paired with an app and features bluetooth speaker for falling asleep or when you’re awake, and of course all the other hours. The volume can be controlled by the light pressing the speakers.

Thanks to NFC function the parents can also select the musics for their children via smart phone. 
2013 Feelux Design 2nd Prize
Sleeping I
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Sleeping I

Lighting for Children

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