Sebastian André's profileMichael Scholz's profile

ideas of code

A fascinating organic-like structure that demonstrates real-time dynamics in an extraordinary way: The elements show facts and figures such as the number of present employees, or held telephone calls. Every new idea lights up some small digital fireworks. However: facts and figures become visible but they still remain some kind of dynamic, abstract artwork without being interpreted or evaluated. Monitored on nine screens (9 feet high and 12 feet long) in the entrance hall of the Bosch site in Renningen this Welcome Screen pictures the potential of the effort that is made here every day: In the new research center innovations and ideas are being born, probed, researched and tested – and finally turned into reality. Created in collaboration with, and on behalf of Milla & Partner.
Yellow rays show the incoming and outgoing phone calls.
White dots visualize current data traffic.
Whenever an employee enters the building, a new node shows up.
A new idea posted to the intranet.
Feedback on a idea is gathered.
ideas of code

ideas of code

Ideas of code: ‪research‬ and ‪#development‬ in Renningen, Germany.
