Shandra Menendez Aich's profile

Make a Wish - App to capture children wishes

An App for the discovery of the "One True Wish" tailored to the specific motivations of the child to achieve a greater impact.
Make-A-Wish® UK is the nonprofit organization that grants magical wishes to enrich the lives of children and young people fighting life-threatening conditions.

Make a Wish UK collaborated with DMI to design a mobile application that would function as a tool that motivates children to find out a meaningful wish, under the best conditions. The basis idea was that "Every wish makes more of a difference to the child and their family" The App is focus on 7- to 8-years old children with life-threatening conditions.

The "WishApp" offers the children an, hybrid and responsive, application for tablet or mobile. Where they can create multimedia content to describe what is important for them and what they like. To find out how their wish would be like and provide with information about themselves to the volunteers.

The "Moville" team of DMI decided to start with a kick off meeting where we studied the background of the organization and defined the goals.
1st STEP. 
Our next step was the Discovery phase. Where we analyzed Make a Wish data, made a research of wishes previously granted and interviewed parents, volunteers and stakeholders. Sadly we could not approach some children that already participated on granting their wish or that had the same conditions. 

To improve the customer experience we had to break down the walls and find out, what our target audience needed.
The main problem founded is that, the wish capture and design relies upon a single, first meeting between the 2 wish volunteers and the child. This does not allow for optimal conditions under which to choose the wish.

2nd STEP.
The next step in the process was to asses the opportunities. Where we analyzed the results of the discovery phase, find out the most important points to focus in, and made a rocket pitching of 5 ideas. From those 5 ideas, we select 2 to prototype and test in the next phase. 
Dissecting human behavior: The team found out that those 2 ideas, where the main things that the child care about, and that would guide us in finding the best solution.
Solution finding: The team researched and reviewed the goals, the realities and opportunities of each one of the actors during the Wish Journey.
After that exercise, we found 7 different opportunities to be mobilized (motivation, communication, awareness, volunteers alignment, making a meaning full wish, sharing memories and the selection process). We decided to focus on two, as main objectives: Motivation and Communication, and made an affinity mapping to find a solution for those 2 ideas.
With the affinity mapping done, reviewed and filtered by the team, we proposed 5 ideas for the client that: Rose the motivation of the child, before the volunteer arrived; and helped with the communication, while providing the volunteer with information about the child, before his visit. For the propose we presented the client an "ideo-wall" of the 5 ideas plus a mock-up of each of them. Where the client and our team selected 2.
The "ideo-wall" filters the proposal in the different steps of the wish  journey and through motivation and communication. To see where the options will work.
The "Mood board" proposal was choose by the clients. Adding and changing some of the features that this an other options presented.
The "Wish Board" proposal was choose by the clients. Adding and changing some of the features that this an other options presented.
3rd STEP.
We had already the 2 first solution to be prototyped. For that, the team made a user flow of each option and a high fidelity prototype, in Sketch and InVision. We decided to make a high fidelity prototype because our audience where 7-8 years old children. We designed wireframes for the developer part of the team. 

We had to prepare a document for the testing session, as the client was the only one with access to children (those children were not in the same conditions than the final users).
User flow for the "Wish Board"
"Wish Comic" user flow and wireframe
4th STEP.
Finally we analyzed the results of the testing. The testing sessions were done to 4 children (2 girls and 2 boys of 7-8 years) and recorded for us. Those prototypes were made to test how those children perceived the functionalities and features that were presented. We wanted to evaluate their reasoning, preferences, constraints... 

With the analysis done, we and the client decide what would contain the App, to make a high fidelity prototype with the visual identity. The result was, the "Wish App". This high fidelity prototype, had not the function of testing it. The intention of the "Wish App" was only for the organization purposes. They goal was to present a basic idea, with a nice look and feel, to posible donors.

The visual identity had a look and feel that answered the likes of the children of that age, combined with the identity of "Make a wish". 
Testing analysis of the "wish board" and the "wish comic" to find out the solution concept.
Main screens of the "Wish App". See the video below, if you want to see more screens and the journey.
Make a Wish - App to capture children wishes

Make a Wish - App to capture children wishes
