Prophet Isaiah Freco by Raphael at Sant'Agostino, Rome
One of the Angels on Ponte Sant'Angelo. Bernini. He hold the sop of Vinegar.
Pantheon Cappriccio, Anunciation of the Christ child staged in this temple of temples.
Tholos in Villa Borghese
Triumph of Galatea, Fresco by Raphael
Bernini designed chapel in Sienna Cathedral
Ceiling figure ormanment, San Marcello al Corso, Rome
Florentine Pieta by Michelangelo, at the Accademia, Florence. By far among my favorite of his Pieta's.
Facade order of the Oratory of Santissimo Crocisfisso. At first glance it looks like normal doric order until one studies closely it reveals a playfulness in form unprecedented. More than likely from Michelangelo's atelier, suggested also by interior frescoes.
Ceiling, San Ignazio, Rome

Alessandro Algardi, Fuga D'Attila. Among the greatest Relief Sculpture Altarpieces. St. Peter's Basilica.
Altar of Zeus, Pergamon
Relief from the Truimphal Arch of Marcus Aurelius
Michelangelo's interior built into the Baths of Diocletian. The scale is compelling.
Figure from Raphael Fresco, Transfiguration
Bernini design, chapel
Bernini, Piazza Navona
Juvarra's facade and stacking of columns. Extraordinary. Palazzo Madama, Turin.
From Basilica Superga, Turin
Among my favorite relief sculptures, sketch from Sant'Agnese in Agone, Rome
Bernini's composition, the ascension of St. Andrew. Astonishing synthesis of painting, sculpture, and architecture: or what he called "Un Bel Composto"
St. Bartholomew, from  St. John the Lateran
Piazzetta drawing copy. Among the greatest in Venice.
Bernini altarpiece, synthesis of painting, sculpture and architecture.
Boulongne, one of my favorite painters who exceeds Caravaggio but unknown to so many.
Napoletani architecture. Incredible inventiveness of architectural forms. At Monte Casino.
Altarpiece at Florentine Church, Rome. Exquisite. I returned here time after time to soak it in.
Ecco Home, sketch after Guido Reni's painting.
Basilica Superga Facade. Fillipo Juvarra.
Interior of Milan Cathedral. Here the Gothic high pointed arch is mediated by the classical edicula. Remarkable lesson in the classical forms being the 'mean'.
Edicula, Milan cathedral.
Napoli Duomo. Hidden in a side chapel is this masterpiece by Juseppe Ribera.
At last, among the greatest of designers and painters of the late baroque: Venetian, Piazzetta. Painting in Oil.


As a Prix de Rome winner, I was given the opportunity to spend nine months living, studying and traveling in Rome, Italy, Jerusalem, Istanbul, Cr Read More
