Timecore is a video game for the PC, which is based on a historical background. For this purpose a special edition shalls to be released. During the game, the player experiences in the first-person perspective of historical events and meets some celebrities.
However, it should be noted that the happenings are not shown correctly, but it was adapted to the game.

In a distant future, the young protagonist Billy lives on Earth. He works in the world library where human knowledge is saved. (Middle of the room is a big globe, where the history of humanity is saved.) Through a mishap of the protagonist gets jumble a part of the informations / history. Suddenly e.g. Genghis Khan has landed in Africa or Ludwig IV has landed in China. In order to send Ludwig IV back home / era and to correct the Chinese history, the protagonist has to travel in the virtual past. He also has to solve various puzzles and challenges. His first journey goes to China, specifically in the Ming Dynasty, while he is accompanied by his little companion Pinto. He can store with his watch useful things / objects / Notes and he can also communicate with the library.
As the protagonist of the story brought confused, he unleashed a virus which prevents the restoration of the story.


Time Core is a video game for the PC, which is based on a historical background. For this purpose a special edition shalls to be released. During Leer más
