Perfil de Brenda Gruskin

The Old City of Jerusalem

A food vendor at the Jaffa Gate entrance to The Old City of Jerusalem
The excavated tunnels under the Kotel (Western Wall) of the Old City
A group of tourists waiting outside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Priest at the entrance of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Priests at the entrance of the Coptic Church
Coptic Church Compound
Panorama of the Holy City of Jerusalem 
The turrets on top of the Jaffa Gate entrance to The Old City
Tourists milling about the avenues in the Arab Shuk (market)
The Old City of Jerusalem
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The Old City of Jerusalem

A walled ancient city within the modern city of Jerusalem. A place of great contrast, where one can see all major religions practicing their beli Ver mais

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