Perfil de Florian Bayer

Work Process: Anonymous


Above the finished opener in the magazine. 
Following, the process of the image from sketch to final artwork.

The initial rough:
The article is about Anonymous. It supports the idea of the so called "Anons" (adherents of the group) being really nothing but skinny, nerdy teenagers who happen to also be highly skilled hackers. However they are putting on a "scary" identity with their Guy Fawkes masks, down-pitched computer voices, dark backgrounds, threatening various groups etc. The article itself is called what translates into "Revenge of the Nerds"
The idea is to show the great contrast between the two of them: Big and scary vs. skinny and weak. A "computer nerd", sitting in what could be interpreted as teenage room at mom and dad's house. On the computer screen you can see the Guy Fawkes mask and he may be recording a threat of some sort.

​​​​​​​The light and the coloring of the sketch:
As the light situation with the greyscales is already quite complexe, the colouring doesn't 
need much more than a colour gradient and some yellow higlights to get lively enough.
The draft to get ready for the inking and the colours:
It was great to add a lot of details to give the boy and the room some live. Most of the things on the wall are mentioned in the text, representing Anonymous' history: 
• Press cuttings from the Arab spring/president Mubarak
• Photos of Julian Assange and/or WikiLeaks, 
• 4Chan screen dumps, 
• Target disk with Hal Turner on it (racist man who they once attacked)
• Steubenville on a map (Operation RedRoll)
• List of names of IS warriors,
• Scientology leaders, Tom Cruise
• Photo of Roosh V (pick-up artist who Anonymous recently declared war against for encouraging the rape of women)
• and a lot of other stuff that a nerdy teenage boy would have in his room. Just to be messy.

A detail view of the draft:
The finished inking:
Some detail views of the inking:
The greyscales:
The final, coloured illustration:
The image in the layout of the printed magazine:
Thanks for watching.

Work Process: Anonymous


Work Process: Anonymous

The article itself is called what translates into "Revenge of the Nerds". The article is about Anonymous. It supports the idea of the so called " Leer más



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