GMCJAM 21 - 15-17JAN2016:

A King's Atonement is a game I made in 48 hours for GMCJAM21, the last jam of the old GameMakerCommunity Forums.

Everyone had Fri-Sunday to make a game with the theme of "Day and Night" or "Sacrifice" and the handicap theme of "Humour" for extra points.

As my first jam, I went all in and tried to implement all themes... what a mistake! In the end, I just couldn't manage to finish everything I wanted but I had all the base mechanics down as demonstrated by the gifs and I was pretty happy with my ideas just that they just weren't polished or finalized into a cohesive product.

Still, it was a fantastic experience as my first ever game jam and I hope to enter more in the future!

You play as a selfish King whose castle blows up one day (inside mutiny) and he is thrown out to the wilderness.

During the day time, you go around the map to find your old minions/followers but when it hits midnight, every minion you didn't get to in time, turns into a zombie who will try to kill you. These zombies, previous citizens and servants of your land are dubbed as the "real kings" characterized by their crowns whereas you have lost yours. They were good people who made a difference, rather than the scumbag king that you were/are.

Your goal is to get to the Temple o' Sacrifice, with as many of your minions as possible but sometimes you may need to sacrifice them to save yourself.

If you get there in time and with enough followers, *fake cutscene that didn't make the game, the king looks back at his tough journey and realises how cruel he has been to his people and sacrifices himself to save the remaining minions* atoning for his sins, he is reborn again the next day!
A King's Atonement

A King's Atonement

Unfinished Game Jam Game
