Theodore Tsais profil

Raoping Bus System Map

Raoping (饶平) is a small county on the east of Guangdong Province, China, where was also my birthplace. 

This summer I came back to my hometown again but found that the bus directory system in town is such a mess. There are no signages at all in the bus stops identifying which stop it is or which bus will pass by, but only advertisements on the boards; there are not any notifications in the bus telling you what this stop is and what will be the next stop. Without asking the driver or the passengers (who are very nice), you may lost your way on the bus. So these make me wanna re-design the bus directory system and make it better for my hometown.

Since this is not an official design solution for the government, I just go with what I think is suitable for this project. All the design below do not exist in the real Raoping town. 

这个暑假回家乡饶平的时候发现县城里的公交指示系统还蛮有待改进的。在公交车站,除了广告并没有任何的站牌告诉你这是哪一站,更没有路线图告诉你究竟你可以搭哪一辆公交车。即使在车上,如果你不问司机或者其它乘客的话,你也很难知道你究竟去了哪。所以这个 project 的目的就是为了改善县城里公交指示的状况。当然啦,因为不是官方设计,所以下面所有的提案都只是我个人的处理。




Raoping Bus System Map

Raoping Bus System Map

