Kathakali (Malayalam: കഥകളി,Sanskrit: कथाकेळिः) is a highly stylized classical Indian dance-drama
noted for the attractive make-up of characters, elaborate costumes, detailed gestures and well-defined body movements presented in tune with the anchor playback music and complementary percussion. It originated in the country's present day state of Kerala during the 17th century and has developed over the years with improved looks, refined gestures and added themes besides more ornate singing and precise drumming.
Kathakali an Indian Dance which uses hand gestures and facial expressions to convey the story.This poster shows the information about the hand gestures of kathakali.There are 24 Basic Mudras (hand gestures) in the "Hasthalakshana Deepika",the book of hand gestures,which kathakali is followed. Why I did a poster on the hand gestures is because kathakali is an art form which not much people recognizes today so to bring back the feel of kathakali i did on the hand gestures.
A highly stylized technique in the invocation ofbhava has been developed in Kathakali. This is called Rasaabhinaya. Indian dramatic theory explain 9 kinds of basicexpressions(Navarasam).Colours Applied are based on the facial expressions.
Kathakali a highly stylized classical Indian dance-drama.Itis an art which is respected. Its noted for the attractive make-up ofcharacters, elaborate, costumes, detailed gestures and well-defined bodymovements presented in tune with the anchor playback music and complementarypercussion.The meaning behind the statement is that kathakali have highcultural valor so it should be consider as high cultured play its shouldn’t betreated like watching a movie. The Pattern used for thetypeface had been inspired from the kathakali face.


Posters Designed for preserving an art form called Kathakali.
