Profil użytkownika „Tatsuki Kondo”

Glittering Particles

About the Work

WOW, which has it's 20th anniversary in 2017, has launched it's new ‘WOW20’ project, in which 12 works will be released based on the theme of ‘SHITSURAE - Balanced Aesthetic’. In advance of these releases, an in-house contest was held titled ‘WOW 20th Anniversary Movie Logo’ which represents ‘WOW20’. The top 7 works from within 22 total submissions will be announced at the design experimental platform ‘wowlab’.

2017年で20周年を迎えるWOWは「しつらえ」を主題とした12の作品を発表する、新プロジェクトWOW20を始動。作品の発表に先駆け、社内ではWOW20を表現した「WOW20th Anniversary Movie Logo」のコンペティションを開催。参加作品22本の内、上位7作品をデザイン実験プラットフォームwowlabにて順次発表。

Director / Designer:Tatsuki Kondo
Music:Tomohiro Nagasaki
Logo Design:Arata Maruyama(&Form)
WOW20 Official website▶
[wowlab]WOW20th Anniversary Movie Logo Vol.1▶
Glittering Particles

Glittering Particles

WOW20th Anniversary Movie Logo ‘Glittering Particles’ About the Work WOW, which has it's 20th anniversary in 2017, has launched it's new ‘WOW20’ Rozwiń
