This piece is my first collaboration with artist Mochibaby.
The initial concept was mine (basically just the junky van) but together we gave the piece a whole lot of character and took it to outer space to coincide with an upcoming show at The Cube Gallery here in Atlanta. 
Pencils, Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop CS5
Final piece with Mochibaby's additions to the bus and environment including text.
My final render of the image. A mix of just needing to stop detailing and get to work on the final result and burnout.
Swapping the line version in favor of one dependent on shapes. This made the image lighter and gave it a unique feeling from a traditional line drawing.
Relatively final view of the digital lines that make up the bus.
Incomplete blue pencils - done on a large sheet of vellum. Initially I intended this to be a completely traditional drawing with only digital finishes. Eventually I knew it had to go digital anyway so why not just do it all.
Original pencil drawing on tracing paper. This was before I had a real plan for junking it up. I drew over this version (on tracing paper) to figure that out, but scaled back a lot of the details to enhance the focus.


This piece is my first collaboration with artist Mochibaby. The initial concept was mine (basically just the junky van) but together we gave the Read More
