Octopus Creature
Just for fun. Personal Project.
Esta é um criatura, um polvo que resolvi testar alguns conceitos do V-ray para Maya e voltar a brincar com 3D cartoon. Baseado no concept do fantástico artista Jonny Duddle. Para quem quiser conhecer mais do trabalho deste mestre do character design, clique aqui.

Abaixo o working progress da imagem. Ainda acho que posso trabalhar mais nela. Talvez o faça, mas agora é hora para pular para o proximo projeto.


This is a creature, an octopus that I decided to test some concepts of V-Ray for Maya and return to play with 3D cartoon. Based on the concept of the fantastic artist Jonny Duddle. For those who want to know more about the work of this master of character design, click here

Below the working progress of the image. I still think I can work more on it. Maybe I will, but now it's time to jump to the next proj
 HD Version (Updated)
Octopus Creature

Octopus Creature

This is a creature, an octopus that I decided to test some concepts of V-Ray for Maya and return to play with 3D cartoon. Based on the concept of Read More
