David Roberts profili

Workflow Management and Monitoring

This client due to contractual and regulatory agreements had to run and verify controls and checks on all daily account data for its investment clients.  These varied from account to account, involved many different teams across many different locations, and were mostly managed on paper (which provided no insight into progress or completion validation.) Although their intent was to transform this capability to a digital application, only 5% of it was automated.  My team (consisting of myself as UX Architect, and a UX Research Lead) were tasked with designing a digital tool that would replace the current manual systems used to manage this process. The caveat was that this client had tried twice before using internal teams to do so, and both times failed.

UX Research Spike
The UX Researcher conducted a rapid 2-week Research phase in parallel to my first Discovery sprint in order to identify Personas and use cases and generally validate the business ask.  We ultimately identified that we had been given access to the incorrect group of users that the Business Goals were targeting, and once we corrected course with the client I was ready to begin design in earnest.

Discovery Phase
I used a rapid iterative process across 2 sprints to identify the details of the business problem, create user flows and early concepts wireframes, which I would then take into design.  Discovery consisted of 3 design sessions per week with a set of employees representing our target Persona users. We would produce comps, capture feedback and ask questions, capture notes, and then offline refactor the working concept to reflect the new understanding.  The following are artifacts of that process that I produced:

Early Flow diagrams:
Early IA Structure:
Early Concept Sketches:
Final Discovery Concepts:
Design Phase
The Design phase spanned three sprints In which I took the concepts from Discovery into final wireframes.  The following are artifacts I produced in that timeframe.

Mid-level wireframes:
Final Annotated Wireframes (Partial):
Final Styled Views (Partial):
Workflow Management and Monitoring
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Workflow Management and Monitoring

A design for a workflow management tool providing configuration and monitoring capabilities across multiple user personas.

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