Perfil de Maheeb Fouda

Telka Al-Ayam | Movie

Telka Al-Ayam
A movie poster made for "TelkaAl-Ayam" movie which is an Arabic documentary movie and made as graduation project for Mass Communications faculty – Cairo University, the name in English is “Those Days” and its scenes tells about the similarities of events done through the history and even the ctharacters.
Arabic calligraphy "Telka El-Ayam"
Movie Poster
detail (1)
detail (2)
Flyer Back
"the flyer front is the same poster design"
CD packaging
CD sticker
Telka Al-Ayam | Movie
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Telka Al-Ayam | Movie

A movie poster made for "Telka Al-Ayam" movie which is an Arabic documentary movie and made as graduation project for Mass Communications faculty Ver mais

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