Annie Li's profile

Sandringham Village

Sandringham Village
A 2 min video explores a small suburb within Auckland City, which is Sandringham Village. It's a community filled with different cultures, mixed of old Auckland surrounded by Art Deco architecture and is the home of the French and European Cafes as well as a mix of Indian, Sri Lanka, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian and European Restaurants and Bars. We get to know some of the unique people of Sandringham by asking them what they think of their suburb, we experience their perspective through their voice, and we get an understanding the small community through the close detail by the camera angles. My personal relationship with Sandringham is reflected through the experience with the individuals and learning about what they do in the area.
Credits:Directed by Annie Li
Music by Radical Face - Welcome Home
Edited in Final Cut Pro
For Academic Purposes Only

Sandringham Village

Sandringham Village

A 2 min video explores a small suburb within Auckland City, which is the Sandringham Village.
