Dragon Wizard boat visualisations are computer generated images of a concept gondola design for an events company used as references during construction.

The brief was to produce realistic visuals from a concept sketch, existing gondola photography and sketched dimensions.

Using the above references I blocked out the model in 3dsmax using simple primitives to to check proportions. From this I quickly built a low polygon model utilising symmetry to facilitate building both sides of the boat. This low polygon model was assigned different polygon IDs to simplify applying the materials later. Turbosmooth is then added to the low polygon model to give sufficient resolution for rendering with V-Ray.
Shaders were created to match the concept and applied to the earlier assigned IDs. 

The final model was lit with large V-Ray area lights to give diffused lighting.

I provided the client with high resolution images in Photoshop that were very well received and I was asked to create a distressed version which I generated by blending distressed wood textures located by UVW unwrapped mesh.
Low polygon boat model prior to turbosmoothing
Turbo-smoothed boat model before texturing
Textured boat model
Distressed version of the boat 
Dragon Wizard Boat concept


Dragon Wizard Boat concept

Dragon Wizard Boat visulisations from concept art
