This student brief asked us to design a campaign that give freshers students a reason to visit Gap!

The campaign is called ‘be the change you want to see’. This pluralistically plays on the idea of a wardrobe change, while using lenticular printing to physically change the people in billboard displays. The notion of ‘change’ appeals to students who believe in a better, brighter future and encourages them to participate in a charitable voting campaign (Gaptivism!).

Psychologically a person can represent an era or ideology based on what they choose to wear, so this design features four minimalist characters who embrace the Gap identity and current fashion trends to appeal to students on a visual level as well as through a vintage 60's style that embraces the Gap roots of 1969. Colours have been chosen from Gap’s 2015 colour trends and golden tones compliment the autumn release of the campaign.
Gap Student Campaign
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