Typeforce 3
A collaborative submission to a typographic based art show. Our concept was called "Turned On" and was about the stimulation and emotion that typography can evoke. We rigged up sensors that faded the levels of the custom illustrated and manufactured neon signs based on the viewers proximity to the sign. The piece got great reactions and had an awesome presene for the duration of the show. 

Get in touch if you're interested in purchasing the piece, taking it on consignment, or having it installed in a show you're curating. We've de-installed it for now but love the piece and would be happy to work with someone on finding a more permanent home for it.

Collaborating artists: Jason Frohlichstein, Mike Wilgus
Tech lead and collaborating artist: Derek Olson
Neon fabrication: Mark Harrer of Independent Sign Co.
Photography: Kyle Fletcher & Andrew Pabon
Left: Kyle Fletcher's X, Middle: Mike Wilgus' X, Right: Jason Frohlichstein's X, Below: Derek Olson's magical chaos
Detail shot of my piece
Side angle of the 3 X's
The sketch that started it all
Installation day!
Mounting carefully. These things are so fragile.
Derek Olson with the genius on the servos that turned a manual fading switch rigged specifically for neon signs.
Due to a tight timeline to get the piece together our first test-run of the piece was the day of the show. Needless to say when it all worked as envisioned we were thrilled and began to document, tweetstagram, and facebutt. 
Jason drinking beer in the wires
Our sensor friend looked like Johnny 5.
Derek figuring out if our servos are going to melt
Derek figuring out if Derek is going to melt
Typeforce 3
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Typeforce 3

Neon sign installation

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