my sister asked me to make a fashion logo for her online business
credit to all the fonts i used Bebas and Salalabilla
mockup freebie downloaded
my sister asked me to make a fashion logo for her online business
credit to all the fonts i used Bebas and Salalabilla
mockup freebie downloaded
my sister asked me to make a fashion logo for her online business
credit to all the fonts i used Bebas and Salalabilla
mockup freebie downloaded
my sister asked me to make a fashion logo for her online business
credit to all the fonts i used Bebas and Salalabilla
mockup freebie downloaded
my client from Germany
#calling card
my client from Germany
#calling card
from Australia asking for another layout -  1st option
#calling card
from Australia asking for another layout - 2rd option
#calling card
from Australia asking for another layout - 3rd option and they all liked it
#calling card
me, myself and i
#calling card
#logo presented to different clients from @99 designs
thankful enough i got 4 stars but nothing can't stop me from loving and making designs
winning entry
@99 designs
#logo for achitectural firm
@99 designs entry
bourne identity

bourne identity

bourne identity
