Fadhel Adam's profile

DailyUI Challenge #001 - #010

DailyUI no #001 - #010
Day #001 - Sign Up
Day #002 - Credit Card Checkout
Day #003 - Landing Page (above the fold)
Day #004 - Calculator
Day #005 - App Icon
Day #006 - User Profile
Day #007 - Settings
Day #008 - 404 Page (Excuse this one of its low resolution, I don't know how to make a high quality gif :P)
Day #009 - Music Player
Day #010 - Social Share
I'm really excited about this challenge, hopefully I can learn a lot by keep practicing. 
I post my latest DailyUI on my twitter, please check them out!​​​​​​​
Fadhel Adam
UI/ UX Designer

DailyUI Challenge #001 - #010

DailyUI Challenge #001 - #010

List of challenge by DailyUI, I create a quick UI design based on the brief they mail me everyday, enjoy!
