Magazine Re-Design  (Vanity Fair)
Re-design a magazine that we felt needed improvements
The project is based on redesigning a magazine which will be syndicate with both typography and layout. By this, the outcome will be a new designed magazine for a magazine called “VANITY FAIR”.

“VANITY FAIR” is a well-established monthly magazine which is a magazine of pop, culture, fashion and current affairs. The magazine is quite elegant in the sense of visual graphics on the front cover, as by this, I think it may draw the attention of the view but the use of type ruins it.
It style is very packed with information relating to the hottest topic of the magazine, however the way that they portray this, is by packing the information all together making it to impacted and personally the range of different type font used doesn’t help this as much. But looking through the range of there other magazines, the style seems to flow throughout. At present it comes across as a magazine that is packed with loads of information on gossip and the trends. As it is a monthly based magazine, there would obviously be a other details within the magazine relating to other things. So this project will focus on redesigning the cover along with the content pages and articles so the approach I will be going on redesigning it, would be fresh, slick, typography, new layout structure as at present everything seems to be floating everywhere but throughout the magazine, the clear use of colour being used (red, white & black would be a tread I will be definitely using within the redesign.

The objective of this project is to enhance the design making it clear and more appealing towards the audience but utilising a more creative design through the layout and typography without clogging and overwhelming the pages of the magazine. The redesign will embolden the audience to engage more with the use of visual graphics instead of just reading blocks of text.

Below are the images of the redesign version of the magazine.

The link below will show you my online sketchbook on how I got to the ideas and developments below.

Magazine Re-Design (Vanity Fair)


Magazine Re-Design (Vanity Fair)

Magazine Re-design (Vanity Fair)
