"Crystal Forest" (Main Print) background painted with herbal tea and gouache, details done in colored pencil, gouache, and silver pen.
"Only a Phase". (Gouache, herbal tea, colored pencil.)
"Evergreen Love". (Gouache, colored pencil, herbal tea.)
"Heal Thyself": (Gouache, herbal tea.)
Imagined End Uses: 
Sketchbook Research & Process:
Designs inspired by a trip to the Philadelphia Museum of Art that I began to draw motifs from for this collection
Older crystal inspired design that sparked the collection 
Second version of crystal design merged with older evergreen design featuring a green color way on completely tea-stained paper
First version of moon phase/constellation design (stripes made from cut up image of a seascape)
Color way development (inspired by above first moon phase/seascape print)
Initial planning of collection idea
Tea/gouache background experimentation
Crystal sketching and experimentation with gouache and masking fluid
"Nature uses human imagination to lift her work of creation to even higher levels" -Pirandello


These four hand-done print designs were a labor of love that combined many of my favorite natural motifs (crystals, evergreens, constellations, m Rozwiń
