Fringe Friends
Came up with an illustration style that was inspired by technologically processed imagery. In my personal artwork I'm very influenced by technology but always find technologically processed imagery a bit predictable and cold. Finding the place where the human hand and technological prowess blend is my favorite. This series studies a list of celebrities I could think of off the top of my head. Working from web images I converted them all to semi-recognizable works of art to my own liking. 

The pieces were debuted at a group art show called "Anyone Can Do Anything." Each work was displayed salon style in a custom-refinished frame. Most of these are for sale as prints and a few framed originals from the exhibit are still available.

Photography: Michael Kiser & Andrew Pabon
Gallery: Chicago Art Department
Sandra Bullock
Bill Murray
Kanye West
Freddie Prinze Jr.
Harry Potter
Tom Cruise
Bill Clinton
Anderson Cooper
Layout sketch for installation guide and sizing. Person = me.
Night of the event at Chicago Art Department Gallery, Pilsen.
Night of the event at Chicago Art Department Gallery, Pilsen.
Night of the event at Chicago Art Department Gallery, Pilsen.
Night of the event at Chicago Art Department Gallery, Pilsen.
Night of the event at Chicago Art Department Gallery, Pilsen.
Night of the event at Chicago Art Department Gallery, Pilsen.
Night of the event at Chicago Art Department Gallery, Pilsen.
Night of the event at Chicago Art Department Gallery, Pilsen.
Night of the event at Chicago Art Department Gallery, Pilsen.
Night of the event at Chicago Art Department Gallery, Pilsen.
Night of the event at Chicago Art Department Gallery, Pilsen.
Night of the event at Chicago Art Department Gallery, Pilsen.
Night of the event at Chicago Art Department Gallery, Pilsen.
Fringe Friends

Fringe Friends

Fine art illustration installation of celebrities in a unique personal style.
