Profil appartenant à Erika Enlund

Ladies, Language, Leadership: Thesis Book

LADIES, LANGUAGE, LEADERSHIP is a thesis that tackles the question: why aren't there more women in high levels of design leadership? This problem was approached through studying language, design history, and women in business/leadership. There is no clear or easy answer as to why this is occurring so a "solution" isn't quite viable. Instead, the solution, designing a mentorship program for design schools, was a suggestion of what might help to level out the gender imbalance in design leadership.
Book includes research, interviews, and case studies exploring topics such as sociolinguistics, women in leadership, and design history. The color palette was chosen to be fresh, professional, mildly feminine, and bold.

The graphic element of the colored line is a metaphor for the glass ceiling women encounter in the workplace. As this thesis is read, the user takes an active step forward in the fight for equality and the class ceiling begins to deteriorate. Note that this ceiling doesn't completely end because there is still work to be done. 
Ladies, Language, Leadership: Thesis Book
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Ladies, Language, Leadership: Thesis Book

This thesis explores how biases in popular texts form and how they evolve over time. The research outlines the authors of the celebrated texts, w Lire la suite

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