Perfil de Marta Leshak

Kolomyia Identity

city of traditions

Since the XVIII century Kolomyia is one of the major carpet weaving centers in Western Ukraine. Carpet reflects the high level of aesthetic preferences of the population in the region and based on family craft heredity

The starting point for the logo creation has become woven carpet's stitch and building coloring of Pisanka museum


A woven carpet symbolizes close relationship of people in
society. In turn, each thread of the carpet means the role
of one individual in the life of the city. Kolomyia, first of all,
is the people who built, develop and will change their own city

As a way of spreading corporate identity posters with portraits of Kolomyia's townsfolk were proposed,accompanied with interesting, inspiring and important stories for city life. This outdoor advertising is not only aesthetic, but also informational , that helps people to learn the history of their region in an unobtrusive manner
Kolomyia Identity


Kolomyia Identity

The concept of logo for Kolomyia - ancient city in western Ukraine. The starting point for the logo creation has become woven carpet's stitch an Leer más
