Frederik Scheve profili

Physical Link to Digital Data

Imagine it was possible to store digital content on any physical object.

For most of us, digital data is an abstract matter, but yet we produce enormous amounts every day and exponnentially more every year. It seems to be an Overload of information, wherby filtering and storing of data is getting more and more complicated. 
Villém Flusser describes our information society as " a society, in which there is more information as Informed " and I think he depicts that imbalance quite accurate. Richard Wurman prefers the tearm "Information Anxiety" instead of "Information Overload". Wherby he points out the lack of context and missing signification, than the pure amount of information.
"A weekday edition of the New York Times contains more information than the average person was likely to come across in a lifetime in 17th-century England.“ - Wurman 

My experience is, that chaotic data structures lead to frustration, chaos and contemplation. 

Connect your holiday photos with a holiday souvenier or add your research data, for example moodboards, hyperlinks to Newspages or Videos to your notes and you will always have a direct link to your 

Physical Link to Digital Data
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Physical Link to Digital Data

Adding a physical key to digital content would enable the user to store digital content on physical objects. Display what ever you want, Videos, Daha Fazla Bilgi

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