Make 'em Say's profile

Soltegro: simplify complexity

"Unexpected solutions for complex projects" is the tag line for the Soltegro brand, and it might as well have been the motto for our first project with the 0to9 agency. 

Together with them, we directed and designed this short animation to explain the vision of Soltegro.

The brief was quite simple: "Make a stylish and fresh design on the provided script, and combine the S and G into one animated logo." The agency also mentioned the just-released Monument Valley app for IOS as a reference.

The isometric point of view (similar to M.C. Escher’s optical illusions) was pretty hard to design, because in 3D everything just has to be physically right... And this was not! When we found our solutions, the consistency in style and flow of the animation came very naturally. We managed to finish the project within schedule and budget.

So we made it work, which resulted in a happy agency and client. The video was used in a range of on-line and off-line presentations, got translated in a couple of languages and we delivered high-resolution stills for the campaign to be printed.

Air Date: October 2014
Used for: On/Offline Campaign
Client: Soltegro
Production Agency: 0to9 Rotterdam
Motion Design Studio: Make ‘em Say

Soltegro: simplify complexity


Soltegro: simplify complexity

3D animation for Soltegro
