Profiel van Michael Abreu

2014 RICG Holiday Campaign

Every year, RICG creates a fun In-House project that not only brings excitement to clients, it also showcases the talent from the creative and technical team members. These campaigns target individuals through email and direct mail pieces with the purpose to celebrate the year and help contribute to non-profit organizations. For 2014, the theme included hand drawn elements that compliments the digital template. As a part of both create and technical team members, I was chosen to create an illustration of a snowman and build the variable templates for email and physical pieces.
My drawing process for the Postcard, email and personalized pages.
Postcard Design with variable names and a variable puzzle. Constructed in InDesign. Variable elements include the "Happy Holidays" banner, the name on the sign, the address information, and the crossword puzzle on the back (note: variable text is highlighted in blue for the crossword puzzle. Final pieces did not have the answers highlighted).
Personalized URL page that allowed clients to select which charity to contribute to.
Personalized "Thank You" email.
Personalized "Reminder" email.
Drawing process for the Personalized URL "Thank You" page.
Personalized URL "Thank You" page. Color added to the snowman and layout designed in Photoshop.
2014 RICG Holiday Campaign

2014 RICG Holiday Campaign

I've created illustrations of a snowman and build the variable templates for email and physical pieces for an annual holiday campaign.
