The Lost spring
The original story related to Japanese mythology with Czech tradition, Masopust.
* Now we are looking for the publishers which want to publish it. We also have English one.
The illustrations that I’ve created since being here have been influenced from two concentrated
sources. The first being the sense of Japans natural religion, which I am accustomed
to, and the Czech folklore and pagan celebration before Christianity. The Czech Republic
has kept and continued these Pagan traditions, in particular Moravia. The second concentration
of sources has been on narrative illustrations and how to create them effectively.
Then I thought these narratives and storytelling are old traditional customs which are inherited
and have remained a part of this region through celebrations/ festivals. Therefore I
wanted to find the correlations and variations of feeling and behavior to nature between
Japanese and the Czechs through research of traditions and mythology.

We then decided to use the Japanese harvesting as a pair of gods whose name are Inari as a main character in the
story. They are portrayed as a bridge between Japanese and the Czech nature. The material
we chose was from the oldest Japanese gods story “Kojiki”, and the Czech spring festival “Masopust”.

The lost spring

Project Made For

The lost spring

Children's reading book from Czech traditional festival +Japanese mythology
