EIN/ER Magazine 
The selfportrait in the past and in the digital age
Below you can see some illustrations of EIN/ER- magazine, which is split in two parts. First you get in touch with the art- historic roots of that genre. It is also about the fact, that nowadays, everybody can create an image of himself by joining facebook or another internet platform and the problem, that many people present themselves in a way, that doesn't comes up to truth. The second as well as much bigger part of the magazine is about creating a portrait of myself, consisting of text combined with illustrations of many kinds, that should describe an individual without the faked images like in internet- society. In the end a multilayered image is getting formed, that can be described as a corporate design on the one side, on the other it similarly ain't one, because EIN/ER shows, that humans are to different to be compressed in such reduced images.
EIN/ER magazine // 2010 // 86 pages // 25 x 33 cm  // full- colored
EIN/ER Magazine

EIN/ER Magazine

