Profilo di Vadim PaschenkoProfilo di The Whyte Branding Boutique

Angular Café / Identity

Angular Café

The name – Angular Café – refers to the fact that coffee is the cornerstone of a day. The logo of Angular Café is created with accidental geometric font. The adjoining triangles symbolize hour-glass.

Problem / Decision 

The most valuable resource is time. Millions of people who live in European cities are doing their usual routes from home to work and backwards every day. They are trying to spend as little time as they can for this routine, and they manage to succeed in it, because public transportation is scheduled by minutes. As known, Europeans are not used to drink coffee at home. They prefer cafés. But not everyone has a possibility to visit a café with truly great coffee on the way to their offices. The Angular Café format allows them to be placed in the most crowded places: metro stations, business centers, parks, universities etc. 

Angular Café is the new kind of European café net that proposes properly cooked genuine coffee in “to go/take away” format. Angular Café coffee points of look like big coffee cups. The Angular Café Company holds the patent for this coffee point form in most European countries. 

Brand mantra:
More than just coffee

While creating the corporate identity, we rejected common coffee graphics and colors. To stand out among competitors we used energetic and vibrant palette. As a result - we can see the “non-coffee” brand design.

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Angular Café / Identity

Angular Café / Identity

The name – Angular Café – refers to the fact that coffee is the cornerstone of a day. The logo of Angular Café is created with accidental geometr Leggi di più
