Tony Besné's profile

The bydeadface Design Promotionals


All things are born from a singular notion, whether it be cosmic or mundane. It is a platform, a basis for growth and transmutation. Call it an altruistic gift given from the early architect of form, who brought us simplicity and stylelessness, to evoke and inspire new creations to climb up and out from these primordial concepts. A bud doth bloom into a rose! Or so it goes. And it is a stubbornness and ignorance that keeps alternative perspectives in the dark. A fear of change, perhaps. A lack of courage to peer out beyond one’s comforts in order to find new possibility. It is a terrifying business, though, taking a this and forming it into a that, not knowing what will come of it, and how it will be received. But it is Mother’s necessity which gives birth to invention, and knowing this, how can one not wrestle with their own complacency. 

These 100 designs are a gift, much like the early architect’s, to be used and built upon, to evoke and inspire new creations. A testament to Euclidean geometry, and like all Greeks of antiquity who, what they borrowed, made better. Now, take these shapes and make something of yourself.

- Francis Rourke
  January 2018

The bydeadface Design Promotionals

The bydeadface Design Promotionals

The bydeadface Logo Designs. Logo variations used for social media promotion of the bydeadface brand.
