abdul azri bin abu hasan profili

Capital City 21 - Shopping Mall Interior

Muhammad Ibn Battuta was an extraordinary adventurer and was a Medieval Berber Muslim traveller and scholar, who is widely recognised as one of the greatest travellers of all time. He is known for his extensive travels, accounts of which were published in the Rihla ("Journey"). Over a period of thirty years, Ibn Battuta visited most of the known Islamic world as well as many non-Muslim lands.
Our idea is to help people learn more about his adventurous moment throughout the journeys that reflected images of the people and places he stop, the food he had tasted, culture and norms of local people.
He went through many obstacles and had many adventures along the way. He was attacked by bandits, almost drowned in a sinking ship, was almost beheaded by a tyrant ruler, and had a few marriages and lovers and fathered several children on his travels!
Near the end of Ibn Battuta's own life, the Sultan of Morocco insisted that Ibn Battuta dictate the story of his travels to a scholar and today we can read translations of that story called "Rihla - My Travels’.
His life and travels are an inspiration to us. It has influenced of our fourth level mall concept of Middle East design and spirit. We translated the history, culture and the story of a remarkable adventure into the design.
Capital City 21 - Shopping Mall Interior
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Capital City 21 - Shopping Mall Interior

We the designer believe that in-order to design the space with iconic and important landmark; we should start from the history. Understand the c Daha Fazla Bilgi

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