Kathleen Bahet's profile

JASPER JOHNS Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles France

Jasper Johns
Prints and Drawings in the Leo Castelli Collection 

Tracking Human Presence on Paper
by Kathleen Slavin

Symbolic Figures: Speech and Measure
Bodily Functions: Sense Perception and Expression
Embodiment and Body Language: Casts and Imprints
Objects as Attributes and Tools of the Figure
Figures Through Abstract Filters: Duchamp and Surrealism
Figure as Self Portrait: Savarin and Edvard Munch
Figures as Personal and Art History: Pablo Picasso and Matthias Grunewald

Curated and circulated international traveling exhibition, author of essay developed from M.A. thesis in compendium catalogue with French poet Michel Butor, and photographs of the artist by Hans Namuth. Exhibition catalogue reviewed in
Print Collector's Newsletter. Catalogue cited in "Beyond Reason: Pre-Reflexive Thought and Creativity in Art" by John Haworth. Leonardo, Vol. 30, No. 2, The MIT Press: 1997, pp. 137-145. Celebrated 35th anniversary of Leo Castelli Gallery. Exhibition opened at Fondation Vincent van Gogh, Arles, sponsored by French Minister of National Education and Culture, Mr. Jack Lang and United States Ambassador to France, His Excellency Mr. Walter J. P. Curley; traveled to Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark.
Arriving at Fondation Vincent Van Gogh, Arles, France
Tel Aviv Museum of Art Invitation
Tel Aviv Museum of Art Invitation
Tel Aviv Curator Edna Moshenson, Leo Castelli, childhood classmate Dr. P. Shaul Colbi, Israel Museum Staff
Kathleen Slavin with Tel Aviv Museum Staff Member and International Department Head Wendy Kansky
Mrs. Nava Dissentshik and Kathleen Slavin
JASPER JOHNS Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles France

JASPER JOHNS Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles France

Jasper Johns Prints and Drawings in the Leo Castelli Collection Tracking Human Presence on Paper by Kathleen Slavin
