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JAZZ + Sumi Brush = 60 Sketches

JAZZ + Sumi Brush = DRAWINGS
another "Draw on the Run" compilation
"JAZZ" one of just a few truly "American" forms of Art.
If you're familiar with my "subway drawings"...then by now you understand that I prefer not use a pencil and never return to "finish" a sketch...Once the set is done, the sketch is done as well.
So whether in a world renown jazz bar in NYC or relaxing with friends in Pescara, Italy....this compilation pays respect to those particular individuals that can express their art through orchestrating rhythm and harmony.


en Espanol:

"JAZZ", uno de sólo pocos realmente "americanos" formas de arte.
Si está familiarizado con mis "Subway Sketches" ... entonces por ahora entiendo que yo prefiero no utilizar un lápiz y nunca volver a "terminar" un boceto ... Una vez que el

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JAZZ + Sumi Brush = 60 Sketches

JAZZ + Sumi Brush = 60 Sketches

Paying respect to all those that artistically express their passion through music with a compilation of "sketches on the run". Cheers and enjoy!
