Blue Helmets and Kevlar Vests
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I arrived in Haiti in the beginning of October of 2004, the year Jean-Bertrand Aristide was ousted from office, and shortly after Hurricane Jeanne reaped its destruction. Port de Paix and Gonaives saw most of the destruction with over 3,000 lives lost.Haiti’s state of affairs is bleak. Aristide’s administration was wrought with charges of human rights violations, corruption and severe poverty.

80% of Haitians live in poverty and the life expectancy is 49 years. 10% of children will die before the age of 4 and 7% of children are enslaved. 30% of the Haitian population is either ill or underweight.

I spent a short time traveling with MINUSTAH, going on patrol in Port Au Prince with the Brazilian Marines to the pro-Aristide slums of Cite Soleil and Bel Air and flying into Gonaives and Cap-Haitian.