Perfil de Maggie Winters

ISL Year in Review 2015

At the end of 2014, suddenly it was December and our team realized we hadn't made anything to reflect back on the year — but it was kind of a great thing that we waited till 2015, which ended up being a huge year for ISL! We moved into a new office, launched a new website (finally!), grew a TON, and upped our content creation game by about a thousand. It was a big year. And it needed a little website to wrap it up.
One of our main concerns was actually being able to design and build the site in a pretty short time period, since we're famous for biting off more than we can chew. We wanted each page to have distinct visuals with a very similar layout, to involve as many team members as possible while keeping development simple. 
The intro page features a scrolling gradient fade and one giant button.
One of our biggest accomplishments — a brand new, custom-built office — deserved a super rad header. James Bonilla illustrated our new building, and he and Spencer Joynt screenprinted a bunch of posters (which some of us got to keep, hell yeah!). We framed it, painted a bunch of our colleagues' hands with metallic paint, and shot the image in the studio.
Plus, we somehow managed to work in this sickkkk portrait of James — starting a portrait series that I swear will take me years to complete.
It was our company's 8th birthday this year, so naturally we thew our CMO and Managing Director, DJ Saul, an 8 year old's birthday 😄 (Yes, the confetti took forever to clean up.)
A couple of our interns, Shane and Natalia, built this computer out of cardboard and neon paper, and our fearless leader Zach Goodwin came in to man the magic wand, making a pretttty sweet little gif for the page featuring our new site.
A page about our work with a video header featuring clips from our 2015 reel.
Static comps could not possibly do these gifs, css animations, and videos justice. So, a screencap walkthrough!
We were featured alongside some pretty amazing year in review projects, which was so awesome! Thanks everybody!
The Team
The team for this project was pretty huge — we wanted to involve as many of us as we could for maximum fun.
Creative Direction: Zach Goodwin
Art Direction: Myself & An-Phuong Ly
Website Design: Alyssa Morrison
Development: Eli Fitch
Photography: Myself
Illustration of Wonderbread Factory: James Bonilla
Screenprinting of Wonderbread Factory Illustration: Spencer JoyntJames Bonilla
Illustration GIF for "81 and Counting": Crystal Au 
Computer build for "We Got a Makeover": Shane Sullivan and Natalia Wozniak
Gif for "We Got a Makeover": Vinh Le
ISL Year in Review 2015
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ISL Year in Review 2015

A year in review site to wrap up 2015 for ISL — all custom photography, illustrations, gifs and videos by the design team at ISL (plus web design Ver mais

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