Perfil de Melodie Fox

Social Media Actuality

Exploring narcissistic behaviour on social media.
Each mirror represents a social media platform - Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. The reflective text expresses the backwards nature of selfies. The messages on the mirrors are direct quotes from a survey I conducted about social media and narcissism. The personal responses portray how social media narcissism is on the rise, even in a local context.
This piece exposes narcissistic behaviour in the realm of Instagram.
The cube shapes relate to the iconic square logo and the traditional square images of Instagram. The transparency of the piece symbolises the transparency of Instagram. The excessive self-promotion and vanity on social media is often clearly apparent and easy to see through. Social media allows us to create an ideal image of ourselves and our lives. We can pick and chose the content we wish to share, emphasising the good parts and avoiding the bad. The statement ‘I Only Show My Good Side’ has a double meaning. Firstly, the statement addresses how people prefer to only show the most flattering images of themselves online. This narcissism and vanity is clearly evident in the perfectly filtered selfies on Instagram that are taken at the best angles and in the best lighting. Secondly, the statement relates to our lives.  We only show the good side of our lives online.
Social Media Actuality

Social Media Actuality

This project consists of different pieces that typographically express the narcissism of specific social media platforms.


Sectores creativos