The Cathedral of Celaya is the winning project of an international contest and its currently under cosntruction. 
The bid aimed for a recognisable building for the city, and at the same time, an intimacy work for the prayer and the public events held at the location. 
Beginning with inspiration from ancient cathedrals such as gothic and renaissance masterpieces, to determine what is actually a cathedral and what stayed for centuries determining it's character and strength and pairing it with modern influences and techniques to approach to the nowadays religiosity of the society. The 
The Cathedral’s axiality leads the way to the triangle at the back in the chancel. This triangle on the eastern façade looks solid, and a cross-shaped crack is built on it: an immaterialized cross full of light that floods and commands the cathedral.
In addition to the Cathedral itself, there are several secondary buildings and the “Cathedral Park”, located on the eastern side, where it serves as a venue for outdoor events, and on the southern side, generating a filter of green space between the Cathedral, the future street and the city.
Celaya Cathedral

Celaya Cathedral

Winner of a contest for a new cathedral in Celaya, Mexico


Creative Fields