Profil użytkownika „Holymage Studio”

VIVA Technology - Paris 2017


For the second edition of VIVA Technology, Holymage once again produced the video content for the main stage. The main leaders of international digital companies spoke during 3 days to present their stories and exchange on the ongoing revolution.
For the 2nd edition of VIVA Technology, Holymage has directed the video content projected on the main stage. The place where world-famous personalities came to share their story and their views on the ongoing revolutions.

Client : Publicis Group / Les Echos
Agency : Publicis Event
Video production : Holymage
Videoprojection technique: Videomania
VIVA Technology - Paris 2017

VIVA Technology - Paris 2017

For the second edition of VIVA Technology, Holymage once again produced the video content for the main stage. The main leaders of international d Rozwiń
