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Steps of the Web Design and Development Process

Everything is all over the web. And if there is something that is not it's neither known nor accepted as well. Cryptograph Technologies Bangalore has the right techniques to create the right website for you.
We browse, check out and work on various sites in the net almost everyday. But how many of us actually know what goes into the making of one impressive site.
The making of a website involves gathering information, putting it to best use, uploading it smartly and maintaining it efficiently thereafter.
Cryptograph Technologies reviews and explains the six basic steps involved in website designing-
The first step to everything is the thought and collecting all the information and resources that will go to complement it. Also the company specific needs are to be considered in kept in mind. The considerations may include factors like:
> whether the goal of your website is to impart information, sell a product or service.
> whether you intend to make money or merely share information.
> whether you have a specific target audience or you are aiming at the masses generally.
> whether you want to share information about something in general or specific.
Once the relevant information is gathered next step is to have a plan in mind. Keeping in view all the known specifications a design for the website would be designed with major as well as minor topics and considerations neatly laid.
The suitable technologies for your website like WordPress, CMS etc are also zeroed in at this stage.
Now is the time to work on the look and feel of your site. Your company logo, color theme and all other specifications are shaped and pictured here at this stage.
Once the layout of the site is finalised the client can browse through it through Client Studio which allows you to view your website design in and out. Any required change can be incorporated there and then. Free communication between client ans designer is very crucial at this stage. This ensures that what you get is a result of your dreams.
The real development of the functional website starts now. The content provided by the client is evenly distributed as desired throughout the website.
While this is happening the client has access to all the developments through Client Studio and he can continue to suggest any changes as and when required.
Your site is complete and ready to be delivered. Compatibility, final scripts and other functionality issues are checked to ensure that it is easily accessible and understood by one and all.
Once everything is thoroughly checked and approved the site is ready to be delivered. WordPress and other essential plug ins are installed and the site is ready to be viewed and browsed by your client.
Your site is ready and being browsed by your clients at a regular basis. But what we at Cryptograph Technologies believe is that to lure and attract your target audience on a continuous basis a site should be continually upgraded and maintained. 
Steps of the Web Design and Development Process

Steps of the Web Design and Development Process

Everything is all over the web. And if there is something that is not it's neither known nor accepted as well. Cryptograph Technologies Bangalore Read More


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