Perfil de Tarah Flicek

Testimonial Advertisement

Disclaimer: Imagery used is for educational purposes only.
In the final version of the testimonial advertisement, I changed the font in the lower half of the ad to white for easier reading and continuity. In the quote, I also changed the color of the font and altered the typography from Bookman Oldstyle Bold to Edo for better contrast without the need to Bold or change the color. The creation of this project utilized Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling is not knowingly associated with Catalyst. The imagery and copywriting are used for educational purposes only.
This project is a Testimonial Advertisement for a company of my choosing. Catalyst is a non-profit organization working to empower women and create an opportunity for success. As part of the project, I chose J.K. Rowling as the individual who would most likely be a spokesperson for this company. Her personal story induces inspiration in men and women alike. The initial layout is simple yet effective without creating chaos or confusion.
Testimonial Advertisement

Testimonial Advertisement

The testimonial advertisement represents the non-profit organization Catalyst. The project is for education purposes.
