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Video Script - Example 1 (MLB Prospect Survives Crash)

Video Scripting and Copy Writing Example (05/18/12)

CORPUS CHRISTI -- Justin Meza's path to potentially being a 2012 Major League Baseball (MLB) draft pick is a road less traveled. Following a stellar prep career at Moody, Meza battled academic eligibility at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi. Getting the chance to pitch in 2011, Meza struck out 7 Texas Longhorns in the Islanders second ever win against UT. That game on February 22 put Meza on the map, and he began to garner more interest from MLB scouts.

The righty would once more run into academic issues, and leave the Islanders program after the 2011 season. Meza then joined the Alvin Community College baseball team, but never got a chance to play for the Dolphins.

In November 2011, Meza was involved in a car accident, and doctors initially believed he may never walk again.

"(I remember) laying in bed, hearing the news...doctors saying I'm paralyzed for the rest of my life...thinking life was over and not being able to pick up a baseball again," said Meza.

Doctors had made a mistake, and Meza was able to walk home within two days.

"It was a real blessing. Ever though I couldn't play baseball this year, I'm just thankful to God that I was able to walk."

With 5 weeks left before the 2012 MLB Draft, Meza continues to build his physical strength. He plans to put himself in position to be drafted, and says he is hearing interest from a variety of big league clubs, including the Texas Rangers.

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Video Script - Example 1 (MLB Prospect Survives Crash)
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Video Script - Example 1 (MLB Prospect Survives Crash)

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