3i Consult Ltd makes use of new media to conduct business across Africa. The Director of 3i, Clarence Nartey the core of the business. Constantly travelling across Africa, his aim is to provide inspirational, impactful and insightful marketing and strategy services to businesses across the continent.

In designing the logo, the team wanted to create a warm and inviting aesthetic that is resolutely African at its roots, but clean enough to swim well in contemporary international waters. Rather, than pulling reference from classical African art aesthetics, we took inspiration from the nomadic nature of the business itself.

The director functions as modern day bedouin, moving from country to country and we aimed to represent this through the shifting nature of the brand identity. The colour palette and graphic style is an homage to the shifting sands of the African desert lit by a warm sunset. The typographic nature of the logo balances the dynamism of the art direction.

Advancements in technology over recent years have caused a renaissance within the logo design community, with trends moving toward complexity and nuance that can easily be displayed on retina displays and rendered off high-quality printers. The team was cognizant of these new technologies when designing the logo and brand identity. Our aim was to harken back to modernist principles with the architecture of the brand, whilst remaining contemporary in its aesthetic.

The contoured nature of the logo and brand identity (inspired by the dunes of the African desert) could only fully be realised through the advancements in technology that are now becoming commonplace. The graphic style and complex illustrative mark give the logo an energetic and modern feel. The optic nature of the logo makes it stand out from the page. This is all balanced by simple and understated typographic symbols.
3i Consult Branding

3i Consult Branding

3i Consult Branding
