Victoria Melnikovich's profile

Posters for competitions

People in times of crisis are losing their identity.Person in crisis reminds a fly, because it can not find a place for himself and tossed in all directions.
9. International Student Poster Competition, Skopje 2016 

"Fukushima 2016"
The poster for the Golden Bee 2016 .Рosters dedicated to Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters.
The 4th Block International Triennale of Eco Posters in Kharkiv
"Eurabia" 2016

World Biennial Exhibition of Student Poster - Novi Sad 2016
3 International Poster Biennale Lublin 2017
"Speak so that ,I may see you."
The poster is dedicated to the problem of the blind disabled. 2016
"The world created by the war."
The project is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of victory in World War II. 2015
Thank you !

Posters for competitions

Posters for competitions

Posters for challenges
