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Is that even legal? Animated GIFs and copyright law

GIF by Modicum designer Natalie Z.
Bloggers and meme-fanatics alike will admit that very few things can convey emotion like animated GIFs. With almost 23 million GIFs posted to Tumblr every day, it’s needless to say that the internet has become obsessed with the file format.

Sites like Buzzfeed have built content marketing empires by using animated GIFs and social giants Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr have all integrated native GIF search capabilities into their mobile apps and messaging platforms.
Animated GIFs have become so popular, that even politicians are getting in on the fun. Last year, the House Judiciary Committee published a listicle (or “gifsticle”) about President Obama’s immigration policies, complete with GIFs from films like Pitch Perfect and The Little Mermaid.

Pundits debated whether this appeal to the youth demographic was unbecoming of an official legislative body, but the real question is, "Was this all even legal?"

This originally appeared on the Modicum blog.
Is that even legal? Animated GIFs and copyright law

Project Made For

Is that even legal? Animated GIFs and copyright law

What's even legal when it comes to using GIFs with copyrited content? This GIF originally appeared on the Propoint blog.


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