Gösser "Bergauf"
About the project
Commercial work for GÖSSER, a beer brand in Austria. For this job I did some classic sky replacements and a matte painting at the end.

Client: tausend Rosen Filmproduktion und Werbung GmbH
Product: GÖSSER
Agency: McCann Erickson Wien
Producer: Thomas Bogner
Director: Niko Karo
DoP: Dieter Deventer
Postproduction: Jürgen Rabatscher
Skies are blue
Above you see the sky replacement happening and in the closing shot below I had to paint out all the houses. I used a combination of Photoshop editing and copy-paste in After Effects with footage shot by the crew from different locations. I didn't want to lose the film grain that was already in there so most of it was done in After Effects.
Gösser "Bergauf"

Gösser "Bergauf"

Commercial work for GÖSSER, a beer brand in Austria. I did classic sky replacements and a matte painting.


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