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Celestine Prophecy :: Book Jacket Design

Previous Book Cover Design
The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure
Book Jacket Redesign
The Celestine Prophecy is an action adventure adaptation of a previous instructional novel by the same title. The preceding title details steps for unlocking 9 key interpersonal insights.  The 'adventure' version centers around these insights which are linked to the Mayan civilization of Peru and the notion regarding the end of human life as we know it according to the Mayan Calendar. 

A majority of the book takes place in the rain forests of South America. The book covers redesign is meant to allude to some of the imagery in the book and creates a more interesting, and visually exciting view for the reader.
Front Cover
Back Cover
Book Spine | Back Cover Flap | Front Cover Flap
Celestine Prophecy :: Book Jacket Design

Celestine Prophecy :: Book Jacket Design

Book cover redesign project for The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure
